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SSC Napoli and Kappa extend their partnership for two more seasons

The Italian club and the Turin brand have just renew their agreement that will end next June

SSC Napoli and Kappa extend their partnership for two more seasons The Italian club and the Turin brand have just renew their agreement that will end next June
SSC Napoli and Kappa extend their partnership for two more seasons The Italian club and the Turin brand have just renew their agreement that will end next June

To silence the rumors of an alleged separation that had been circulating for months, a press release from SSC Napoli arrived a few hours ago: the contract with Kappa expiring at the end of the season was renewed for another two years, even if other details are unknown yet. The partnership between the team from Campania and the Turin brand, therefore, will continue also next year: together from 2004 to 2006, the BasicNet group brand has sponsored Napoli since 2015, when it took over from Macron.

Kappa therefore confirms its massive e presence in Serie A, given that in addition to the Neapolitan club it is also linked to Genoa, Sassuolo, Brescia and, it could be a novelty of next year, Fiorentina.