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Football jerseys and how to color them

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Football jerseys and how to color them Done? Done
Football jerseys and how to color them Done? Done

Who, as a child, did not enjoy creating their ideal team by designing the jerseys of their favorite players? If you didn't do it 15 years ago, you can do it now.

Taking inspiration from coloring streetwear illustrations, we thought about how to make football fanatics happy: we asked our graphic designer Matteo Varriale to ''empty'' the retro jerseys of Barcelona (away, season '97/'98), Borussia Dortmund (home, '97/'98), Brazil (home, 2004), Celtics (home, '90/'91), England (home, 1998), Fiorentina (home, '98/'99), Juventus (third kit, '97/'98), Lazio (home, '98/'99), Liverpool (home, '92/'93), Monaco (home, '00/'01), Napoli (home, '97/' 98) and PSG (home concept by Golden Cabane, '94/'95) to make them customizable.

How? All you have to do is take a screenshot of the shirt you like best or download the image directly, and with the iPhone photo editing functions you can colorize - and make unique - each jersey.

Choosing the image you want to decorate, click on Edit, select the three dots at the top right and then click on Tools: at this point you will find yourself in front of a selection of colors, strokes and styles with which to color your illustration.

In case you are not satisfied with the quality of the image and would like to give full rein to your creative vein, you can download all the T-shirts HERE, and then decorate them as you like.

And if you have already colored all the shirts and also all the sneakers that we have made available to you, you can always download Sneakers Generator to create hybrid and original sneakers concept. The app is available on the App Store.

Show us all your illustrations by sharing them on Instagram by tagging @nsssports