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5 weddings and a Champions League game

It's better Valentine's Day or the Champions League? If in doubt, choose both

5 weddings and a Champions League game It's better Valentine's Day or the Champions League? If in doubt, choose both
5 weddings and a Champions League game It's better Valentine's Day or the Champions League? If in doubt, choose both

2017 Valentine’s Day match, casually, with the start of the final stage of UEFA Champions League, i.e. the most loved tournament by the fans all around Europe. The relationship between love and football is quite complicated, and it is expressed in many different ways. There is love between fans and their team, the love for the jersey, love among team-mates. However, behind every kind of players, there is the most important part of their life, a life that could maybe involved a lover. For Valentine’s Day we listed the 5 most beautiful or famous marriages in the history of football.


Johan Cruyff and Danny Coster

The wedding between Johan Cruyff and Danny Coster was one of the first “famous wedding” among players. She was the daughter of a Dutch businessman and also the agent of Cruyff, and was considered as the first glamour wags ever. Their pictures were seen around the world, showing a couple that was destined to change the future.

Francesco Totti and Ilary Blasi

June 19th 2005, Rome – or at least the “giallorossa” part of the city – is stopped by a huge ceremony: The Captain, Francesco Totti, is going to marry Ilary Blasi in the incredible frame of Piazza di Spagna. Their love is also memorable thanks to the many dedications that Totti rendered to here after the many goals he scored in the Derbys against Lazio.

Diego Maradona and Claudia Villafane

There is nothing of ordinary in the life of Diego Maradona, neither his wedding. He traveled from Naples to Buenos Aires with more than 100 people – among singer, influencing personalities and the hole Naples football team – just to marry his beloved Claudia. The wedding was so luxurious that around the street of Buenos Aires – devasted by inflation – people star to protest against it.  

David Beckham and Victoria Adams

It is impossible to find a more glamour couple that David and Victoria. He was the Golden Boy of English football, she was a Spice Girls, and together they formed a couple that was ready to influence the relation among fashion and football forever.

Wesley Sneider and Yolanthe Cabau

This wedding was maybe less important of the previous ones, but it was one of the most beautiful. Wesley in light blue, and the gorgeous Yolanthe were perfect together, and if there is someone to had to win the award for best couple, that should be them.