Bohemian Rhapsody
Zeman is back, and everybody noted it
February 20th, 2017
Zemanlandia is back. It is perhaps the most used title form the Italian newspapers the day after the glorious comeback of Zdenek Zeman on the bench of Pescaa, the day after having destroyed Genoa for 5-0.
Euphoria is being always a trademark of every team Zeman has trained, even if on that team he lasted few months, even if from euphoria it briefly passes to depression.
It is obvious to say but, Zeman is not a coach like the other, it is not even a man like the other. Zeman always lived football with in his way, with a sigarette on his mouth, walking in the suburbs of great football once, on the elite the other. He was the founder of a school that has a number of followers in serie A. But he was never prone to say the right word in the right time, he never accepted compromise. When yesterday the journalist asked him “Would to stop smoking for the safety of Pescara?”; he answered “No please, don’t make me stop that…”