Pepito Rossi Anatomy
Analysis of one of the most unlucky players ever in Italian football, through philosophy, music and television
April 13th, 2017
There are some wonderful players, going beyond the clubs bonds, being loved by every single football supporter. Those kind of players who really can bring out beauty from a simple leather ball. Those kind of player who only could play soccer. People without physical predisposition – thinking of athlete archetype, not so common in soccer. The reason why we are shocked looking at physical player as Cristiano or Ibra, because both of them are also so technical.
It looks like soccer asks for imperfection.
There are some wonderful players. As Redondo has been, who could be one of the best in last years. Even Ronaldo Luis Nazario, maybe the only one who showed how much the man who need to change the world soccer’s destiny forever, doesn’t care about obstacles.
Pepito Rossi is so unlucky. Of course, there are a lot of players as unlucky as Rossi. But the worst thing, thinking about his career, is how much since the beginning he has been both lucky – so talented – and unlucky. Until now bad luck seems to be winning.
Feel Like My Left Foot: The Story of Christy Brown by Jim Sheridan
Left foot is the soccer foot. It is that unexpected variable in football and historical age. It is that physical predisposition low slice in a right foot world. Maradona, Messi, Robben. Pepito doesn’t need to feel envy to those names. Less spectacular than Diego, less fiery than Messi, less un-handled than Robben. But when we think about his strikes we always think about his left foot, forgetting anything else.
Dress Like The Joker by Jack Nicholson
His hairs so normal – especially looking at the hairstyle jungle -, that eyes so innocent that seems always on crying. Anything of that could be linked to Batman’s nemesis. But Rossi is a fantastic player, he needs to joke on rivals once on a while. Then, life has been so awfully not ironic, we need to put on right the life balance.
Think like “Per aspera ad astra”
Cicerone’s claim, ofter blamed to Seneca. Mythological tradition talks about all of those characters – Hercules, for example – who reached Olympus after a lot of obstacles. Pepito probably figured Olympus out in a different way, and our memory spot looks like a simple reward. But he demonstrated his greatness more than a single time, and the greatness could be short and fleeting, but a man will always bring with him.
Sounds like Oscar Prudente “Stadium”
About this song we can understand anything. Since the beginning to the end we wait for a reasonable sentence. Nothing. We can just understand “Yeah! Yeah!” in Italian language. It looks like Rossi career, and endless waiting for us, who only wanted him to enjoy football and happy crying. And then screaming “Yeah! Yeah!”, once he came back.
Taste like di Dr. House Vicodin
Most famous TV painkilling. Our crippled doctor makes it abuse, probably to fight mental pain and not the physical one. It should be the same to Pepito, physical pain is something we can fight for, the real weakness is against destiny. But never give up, even House could get out from the abuse at least.
Love Like Yellow submarine
The worst song from the best musicians in the 900’. And yet it is stuck in collective memory, often more remembered than masterpieces as “A hard day’s night” or “Rain”. We fell in love with Giuseppe Rossi before his adventure in Florence, when that Spanish yellow submarine could count on his strikes. And if we fell in love of that song, so we can give another chance to destiny. Wishing it could be the right time. Because we really need a player as Rossi is.