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Improving Japan football: the mission of 92'FC

The football club that believe in the power of coolness introduce itself to the world

Improving Japan football: the mission of 92'FC The football club that believe in the power of coolness introduce itself to the world
Improving Japan football: the mission of 92'FC The football club that believe in the power of coolness introduce itself to the world

For years now Japan is not able to come back to a high level in football. The generation of Nakata, Nakamura didn’t find a follow, even considering the talent of Kagawa and few other elements. It follows that Japan football fatigued to impose itself as a credible league, and need to watch its back from the increasing powerfulness of China.

However, a little revolution is started. It did it from the guys of 92’FC, a football club that believes in the power of “coolness”, thanks to which make football a real culture. 92’FC sent us a manifesto that we’re glad to publish, together with some explicative shots by Kazuma Kawauchi, also the club president.

The football players born in this year are known as “Platinum Generation” in Japan. A number of talents were born in the year, such as Neymar, Götze, Coutinho, El Shaarawy, Isco, Ter Stegen, from Japan, Takashi Usami, Yoshinori Muto, Ryo Miayaichi and so on.
92'FC is the only football club representing the Platinum Generation in Japan.

For good or bad, this generation grew up seeing only a glorious history of Japan’s football where attending the World’s Cup was no longer remarkable.
How has this affected Japan’s football? Players are just satisfied with current situations without questioning how things can improve. They just passively wait for others to take action.

In order to make Japan’s football better, we need to start over. We are here to make Japan’s football culture and now is the time to take action and make that change. They don’t wait for others to reach out because they take action proactively».