Juventus Stadium has a new name: Allianz Stadium
For the next 15 years the right name of the Juventus Stadium will be hold by Allianz company
After months of rumors it is now official: from the next July 1st – and until 2013 – Juventus Stadium will be named after Allianz Stadium. The deal on the naming right will give to the company the right to write its name on the Stadium, as already happened in the case of the other members of the Allianz Family of Stadiums: Allianz Stadium of Sydney, Allianz Park of London, Allianz Riviera of Nice, Allianz Parque of Sao Paolo e Allianz Stadion of Vienna.
The deal is obliviously really important for both the parts, two successful brands that agreed on a deal of 3 million euros per year, that will be paid to Lagardere Sports, French company that own the naming right of the Stadium. Giorgio Ricci, CFO of Juventus, commented: « It’s with great pleasure that we welcome Allianz into our family of partners for a deal as special as this one – the naming of our home».
It is possible, looking at this pictures, to imagine how could it be the new Allianz Stadium, that, from the next Saturday, could feature an important trophy more.