LV Supreme x Arsenal: the concept jersey by Losdejos
Does this Arsenal deserve a Supreme jersey?
September 28th, 2017
Think about the most hyped brand right now (SUPREME!). Now think about a Premier League's team with a tradition of elegance and a palette of colours that could fit the Supreme's one (ARSENAL!). Done? It's a pity, beacuse Losdejos - aka Jason Lee, designer and creative director of FOKOHAELA - did it before you: he designed an Arsenal's concept kit with Supreme sponsor and Louis Vuitton logos on the jersey. Of course Lee - who is an Arsenal supporter - picked the most elegant player for the jersey, whose name is a synonymous of style: monsieur Thierry Herny.
The jersey is not for sale, but you can browse FOKOHAELA's online store for other customized jerseys.