Re di Napoli - the 2018 calendar by SSC Napoli
A classic of football trash culture
December 5th, 2017
We were waiting for it, and finally, it came back: the Napoli's calendar, a trash gem of our times. Every year Napoli publish a calendar, with its players modeling following a trash theme, last year it was entirely inspired by something like "Great Greece", recalling the origins of the city. This year Napoli's art director (is there one? no seriously I would like to know it) decided to keep the history mood and dress the players like medieval kings. Great idea. Genious, I would say considering the punch line of the video presentation like "I'm King Arek Milik, do you want more bread or goals?"
The result is a sublime masterpiece of trash culture, that reaches peaks of surrealism when Elseid Hysaj says "I would rather be a terzino (back defender) rather than a Giacobbino (Jacobian)". Although the overall result it is still coherent with club's image that was shaped by the president Aurelio De Laurentiis. In fact, the Azzurri society has quintupled its media exposure, from the funny presentations to eccentric uniforms. But the eccentricity of its President - who, as it loves to repeat, comes from the world of the cinema - never stopped, until reaching the conception and realization of an articulated very official calendar.
If you want to dig into the Napoli's trash calendars, here you find the old ones.