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Merry Christmas trashy videos

SPOILER: Nagatomo sings Inter Bells

Merry Christmas trashy videos SPOILER: Nagatomo sings Inter Bells

We already said it: Christmas is the most delicate moment of the season for coaches and social media managers of football clubs. The first want to get to eat the Panettone, the latter must find an original and nice way to make Christmas wishes via the Twitter or Instagram profile. The task is becoming increasingly difficult and often the imagination of the social media team leads to trash masterpieces so ugly to become beautiful. A classic video-greeting has become the Christmas song in which players sing a reworked text on an air of Christmas: this year the best interpretation certainly goes to Inter, but the others did not go too badly. Here a brief overview of the best videos on the gram.


Inter Bells 



None smiles anymore






Real Madrid cocky as always


Messi's message to Ney


Don't get too crazy in Munich




Same in Manchester
