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A Saudi Arabian footballer could face jail for dabbing on the pitch

According to the Drug Combat National Committee, the dab has “an harmful influence on youth"

A Saudi Arabian footballer could face jail for dabbing on the pitch According to the Drug Combat National Committee, the dab has “an harmful influence on youth

In the last years, you may have thought at least once that everyone who decided to celebrate a goal by dabbing should at least get arrested. Well, that’s kind of what’s happening to a Saudi Arabian player, that apparently is risking to spend some jail time for dabbing in front of a teammate. The episode was caught on cameras and now the player is at high risk.

But why? Even if in the video it can be easily seen that the gesture is a joke and not a form of disrespect, a recent statement made by the President of the Saudi Arabian National Committee for Combating Drugs connects the “dab dance” to the drug culture. Seeing someone dab could have “a harmful influence on youth”, said the President, “those who promote it in public events or on social media will face consequences”. It wouldn’t be the first case, as the Saudi Arabian authorities already arrested the famous singer and TV host, Abdallah Al Shahani, for dabbing on stage.