Rozier lost his contract with adidas after wearing a pair of Nike
The Celtics' PG worn a pair of Kobe AD last year, and adidas didn't liked it
February 7th, 2018
If you will ever be lucky enough to sign a deal for sportswear supply with one of the sports’ biggest brands, you should know that they’re very jealous about your signature on their contract and that they won’t be happy about a possible favor of yours to one of their competitors. For some references, you should ask Terry Rozier, Boston Celtics’ point guard, that saw his contract con adidas ripped off. The reason? He wore a pair of Nike.

The play from Louisville, in fact, has been caught in flagrant during a pre-game shootaround in the Eastern Conference Finals last year, when he worn a pair of Nike Kobe A.D. And even if Rozier switched his sneaker before the game, wearing the usual pair of adidas, Hypebeast reports that the $300,000 contract signed with the Three Stripes has been conclusively terminated. A bad news for Celtics’ PG, that for sure will be more careful from now on but that seems to be already settled with another sneaker supplier. Would you guess which one?