The Decision, part III
The third change in LeBron's career is a very 2018 story, between basket, business, Instagram Tv and Space Jam
June 27th, 2018
July, 8th, 2010, Greenwich, Connecticut
In a 75 minute-long special on ESPN, LeBron James announces his decision to leave the Cleveland Cavaliers after seven seasons. “In this fall, I’m going to take my talents to South Beach and join the Miami Heat”. These are the words pronounced by James to Jim Gray on national television, which will later become the manifest of “The Decision”, the first big change in the Chosen One’s carrer, the one that will cause many hate reactions among his people and the entire country for years to come.
July, 11th, 2014, New York
After four seasons, two NBA titles and just as many lost finals with Miami Heat, LeBron James shocks the NBA with his “The Decision, part II”, announcing to Lee Jenkins of Sports Illustrated his will to go home. “In Northeast Ohio, nothing is given. Everything is earned. You work for what you have. I’m ready to accept the challenge. I’m coming home”. The haters, already silenced after two rings won in four years, are even more quiet.
June 9th, 2018, Cleveland, Ohio
LeBron has just left the court for his final game of the season, the one that certificated Golden State’s imperative victory in the NBA finals, 4-0, with the title going back in the Bay. James has played an otherwordly basket, has tried in every way to drag his mates, but it wasn’t enough. While leaving the court, a few minutes after the end of the game and the season, the shared feeling in the Quicken Loans Arena was the one of a farewell: everyone started feeling that it was probably the last time LeBron was wearing the Cavs tee. It was time for another decision… it’s time for “The Decision, part III”.

In the last few days, much more expert names have expressed their opinion on the Chosen One’s probable destinations, who might stay in Ohio – not very likely – join the flourishing market in Los Angeles – probable – or choose the best option to win a title – very likely – like Philadelphia or Houston. If you want to know more about this, you can read one of the many handbooks you can find online. And if you don’t understand the technical expressions or the contract clauses, nss sports has your back: our NBA Market Glossary.
But “The Decision, part III”, is going to be much more than just a technical decision. Why? Because it’s 2018 and today like never before everything that is made, said and thought is carefully examined by media, social network and every means of communication. LeBron has experienced already once the meaning of a bad communication, considering the amount of hate he attracted from every part of America after the announcement of his decision on live tv. It’s not a coincidence that for his second ‘Decision’ Lebron chose a more sober and thought letter written on Sports Illustrated. Everyone approved the technical choice, everyone approved the communicative choice. Win-win.
In this sports-wise super hot summer (also because of the FIFA World Cup), LeBron has to make probably the most important and difficult decision until now. Not only the contenders are very different, in terms of market and technical qualities, but the King is entering the final stage of his career, so he has to choose carefully which team will keep his legacy in the league. James must decide by the end of June whether to use his Player Option with the Cavs and facilitate a sing-and-trade, again, feel free to check our glossary – or refuse it, remaning free agent and free to decide. In both cases, according to Brian Windhorst, the decision is expected by July 4th, Usa’s Independence Day.
Here it gets interesting. Rumour has it that LeBron’s ‘Decision’ has to do with Instagram TV, Uninterrupted and Space Jam 2. No, this is not a joke. Let’s start from the beginning: a few days ago, as you might have already noticed if you use social media, Kevin Systrom’s Instagram launched its own personal in-app tv, IGTV. The app lets the users post longer videos and has already been used by brands to sponsor and promote campaigns. Uninterrupted, on the other hand, is a platform dedicated to athletes, founded by LBJ with his business partner Maverick Carter, to enable players to share experiences and thoughts with their fans. Space Jam needs no introduction, but we want to remind you that Warner Bros announced a while ago that a sequel of the famous movie starring Michael Jordan is in the works.
But how is all this involved with LeBron James’s “Decision, part III”? Well, according to the latest rumours – reported by the most influential media – the Chosen One’s announcement could be made in a very 2018 style, with a series of following contents. Apparently James is going to announce his decision through Uninterrupted, creating something in between the television special (the first ‘Decision’) and the letter to Sports Illustrated (the second ‘Decision’). But it isn’t over. After the announce on his platform, James and Warner Brothers are set to release a teaser trailer for Space Jam 2 on IGTV, introducing the first movie starring the Chosen One, who is going to involve his team too. Ca va sans dire, it seems that some of the commercial partners of the new born Akron know already the future destination of Lebron, or at least they will before anyone else.
If all this doesn’t make sense for you or it seems totally crazy…well, you’re right. But you’d better remember that we’re talking about NBA, a league that is beginning to look more and more like Hollywood. And if you talk about Hollywood, we talk about yellow and purple, and everything leads to a more business-oriented decision. Of course anything can happen, and that’s why you don’t want to miss the latest shows, brought to you by LeBron. “The Decision, part III” is already happening.