A Chilean club used a font inspired by McDonald's potato chips
We thought we saw everything, but no: thanks to O'Higgins
February 18th, 2019
There is a reason if a small Chilean team arrived in a few hours on the world soccer jerseys fans' mouths: we are talking about O'Higgins, who last weekend debuted against Huachipato with the new adidas pink uniform. But this is not the reason that made the South American club famous quickly: while for the names was adopted the Tiro 11 template, the shirt numbers were in fact inspired of McDonald's potato chips, and moreover with the dirty tip of ketchup.
We thought we had seen enough in our life, but obviously it was not like that: this happened because of the sponsor, the famous fast food colossus, and a curious marketing and style operation. But last Sunday could have been the first and last time, since the Chilean Football Association has deemed the font not evident and very difficult to be recognized, both by stadium spectators and for those who watched the match on TV, and that's why he could fine the O'Higgins and forbid it be worn again.