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Books to read during the Christmas holidays according to nss sports

Basket, tennis and the history of the first ever World Cup played in Winter

Books to read during the Christmas holidays according to nss sports Basket, tennis and the history of the first ever World Cup played in Winter

The ideal imagery of the Christmas lunch includes a disproportionate dose of food and wine, which precedes the well-deserved rest, to be consumed on the sofa, in front of the fireplace, with the blankets and why not, a good book. The Christmas holidays are also the time when you can cut out more space for your hobbies, finishing that book you left hanging or starting what you ordered on Amazon months ago. In case you have not yet chosen reading for the holidays, as every year nss sports has compiled a list of 12 books to read in the coming weeks, which can also be turned into a last minute guide to choose what to give to your friend passionate about tennis, to the basketball player or to the Juventus fan who celebrates like Cristiano Ronaldo in Sunday League matches.


Cristiano Ronaldo. Storia intima di un mito globale - Fabrizio Gabrielli

pages: 232
price: 14,45 €
where to buy: here


Vite brevi di tennisti eminenti - Matteo Codignola

pages: 290
price: 18,70 €
where to buy: here


Undici racconti sul calcio - Camilo J. Cela

pages: 90
price: 6,37 €
where to buy: here


Sulle spalle dei giganti. La mia Harlem: basket, jazz, letteratura - Kareem Abdul-Jabbar e Raymond Obstfeld

pages: 349
price: 16,15 €
where to buy: here


Let My People Go Surfing - Yvon Couinard

pages: 258
price: 21,25 €
where to buy: here


Discorso su due piedi (il calcio) - Carmelo Bene e Enrico Ghezzi

pages: 156
price: 7 €
where to buy: here


Iron Towns - Anthony Cartwright

pages: 274
price: 12,99 €
where to buy: here


Qatar 2022: un mistero mondiale. Petrodollari, rivoluzioni, calcio e tv. L'Emirato alla conquista del mondo - Gianluca Mazzini

pages: 202
price: 21,16 €
where to buy: here


The Age of Football - David Goldblatt

pages: 688
price: 12,64 €
where to buy: here


Football Disco - Pascal Claude

pages: 424
price: 19,80 €
where to buy: here