"A Kid from Coney Island" tells who Stephon Marbury is
The documentary produced by Kevin Durant will be released on March 10th
March 3rd, 2020
"A Kid from Coney Island" is the documentary that traces the career, the journey, all the stages of the career of Stephon Xavier Marbury, soon renamed Starbury. For the launch of the documentary, a #MarburyWeek was announced, that is, the week of approaching 10 March, the release date.
At the center of the project, in addition to the former Knicks and Twolves, there are the award-winning directors Coodie Simmons and Chike Ozah, better known as Coodie & Chike and already lying behind several music videos (Kanye West, Pitbull, Cristina Aguilera, Lupe Fiasco and Wale ) and behind sports documentaries like Benji: The True Story of a Dream Cut Short.
Already from the trailer you can guess the epic nature of Starbury's journey. The "from making $ 20 million dollars a year to zero" concept says a lot about the potential of the boy who grew up at Surfside Gardens on Coney Island. Going from a context like that to having a statue erected in his honor in Beijing perfectly represents the path of Marbury, who has lived at least 10 of our lives. The ups and downs on the parquet are almost natural, those off the pitch a little less, especially if experienced in the way Stephon did it.
Through interviews with relatives, friends and colleagues, Coodie & Chike try to tell about childhood, the desire to enter the NBA, the fundamental stages of his career in the USA and China - where he is truly revered as a Greek God - and all this who has surrounded one of Coney Island's many talents for 42 years. Rich Kleiman, executive producer together with Kevin Durant (yes, that Kevin Durant), draws a portrait that tells the perseverance, the passion but above all the redemption that a "kid from Coney Island" can go through to improve his life.
Kleiman himself, in an interview with People, said that Marbury's current role goes beyond every problem, every obstacle he had to overcome and is a great source of inspiration for future generations:
I think all of us as consumers and spectators always want to see heroic stories and redemption stories. I don't think people really understood what low and high [Stephon] has reached. What he has achieved in China - on the opposite side of the world - has been incredible and amazing. I can't even imagine another story like this in any other sport.
Within the documentary, many well-known faces gravitating around the world of NBA basketball but not only: Fat Joe, Stephen A. Smith, Cam’ron, Chauncy Billups, Ray Allen, God Shammgod and many others.
The documentary will be screened in limited editions in select American theaters.