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The Umbro campaign dedicated to local Football Communities

''Our game is not just for Pros'' will also bring together Italian amateur teams

The Umbro campaign dedicated to local Football Communities ''Our game is not just for Pros'' will also bring together Italian amateur teams
The Umbro campaign dedicated to local Football Communities ''Our game is not just for Pros'' will also bring together Italian amateur teams

Officially launched on March 4, "Our game is not just for Pros" is the title of the Umbro campaign, which will allow the winning team to be sponsored by the oldest football brand in the world, founded in 1924.

This is a worldwide challenge organized by Umbro Global which will allow the 5 best teams to be sponsored by the oldest football brand in the world, founded in 1924. Umbro's sponsorship will include a complete kit, with the equipment for the training, bags, ball carriers, jackets and "Neo Pro" balls.

During the competition dozens of amateur teams from all over the world will compete with the Italian ones who will be able to participate thanks to the participation of Umbro Italia. "Since our return to Italy we have decided to support amateur football, the most authentic, the one that represents the real values of football, a democratic sport, for everyone", underlines Michela Tedone, marketing manager of Umbro Italia.

With this premise we decided to join the Umbro global campaign, to allow Italy to participate in this interesting competition as well. Our goal is to stimulate the Italian football communities to participate to consecrate the value that characterizes Umbroda always: the love for pure football, played by everyone with the same spirit that animates those who practice this sport, from the child who plays on suburban pitch to the professional who treads the grass of the most important Italian stadiums".

To participate in the competition, aimed at all non-professional teams, just apply through the making of a 30" video where you need to tell why your team is different from the others, what are the values that represent it, the spirit that governs the locker room, the enthusiasm of seeing each week to play as non-professionals and, of course, the love of football.


The video must be uploaded through the from by March 16th.