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The playlist that brings you back to the stadium

Milangeles has selected 100 chants from stages around the world

The playlist that brings you back to the stadium Milangeles has selected 100 chants from stages around the world
The playlist that brings you back to the stadium Milangeles has selected 100 chants from stages around the world

The empty Sundays of football games are giving us head and the ways of "replacing" the most beautiful game in the world are becoming infinite: we reviewed the best films dedicated to football, then we went to 100 documentaries and then again to most memorable games. After these we went to the latest releases, first starting (and ending in one day) "The Football Game" and then enjoying the latest film by Francesco Lettieri on Netflix, "Ultras".

Then we went to look for the first shoes that we used when we were 8 years old in the cobweb-filled lockers of our cellars and, once they were exhumed and cleaned, we left them where they were. Back in the house we went out on the balcony and started singing, pretending to be back in the stadium for a few minutes, only to realize that the distortion of reality can sometimes make reality worse.

There is only one way to be able to feel yourself cornering again without leaving home: close your eyes and listen to the choirs. Filippo Tortorici, aka ''Milangeles'', DJ of the Nice Club and a huge fan of Inter, has brought together in a playlist of Spotify the 100 best choirs from the stadiums of Napoli, Inter, Milan, Roma, Lazio, Fiorentina, Atalanta, Juventus, Liverpool, Manchester United, Parma, Torino, Genoa, Sampdoria, Boca Juniors, Manchester City, Bari, Borussia, PSG, Barça, Bologna, Atletico Madrid, Cagliari, Marsiglia, River Plate, Sassuolo, Olympique Lyone, West Ham, Brescia, Catania and Lecce, extrapolating them from the "fan chants" of each fan.

It is difficult to think that this will be enough to fill the nostalgia we feel towards our sector, but never as on this occasion must we find a remedy to make up for our worst shortcomings.