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New Balance is transforming its factories into mask manufacturing centers

The NB Foundation donated $2 million for community support

New Balance is transforming its factories into mask manufacturing centers The NB Foundation donated $2 million for community support
New Balance is transforming its factories into mask manufacturing centers The NB Foundation donated $2 million for community support

The global health crisis caused by COVID-19 has led many organizations to channel their resources towards a more important challenge than achieving the corporate target; New Balance, for example, involved a portion of its manufacturing workforce to develop masks: ''We are producing prototypes for face masks in our Lawrence factory, we hope to expand production soon using our other New England factories'' .

In addition, the New Balance Foundation has committed $ 2 million in non-profit funding in response to the spread of the virus, in support of local, regional and global communities: ''We are firmly convinced that it is our civic duty to support our communities in difficulty all over the world'', explained Anne Davis, managing trustee of New Balance foundation. ''As we witness the growing impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, we are inspired by the acts of humanity, kindness and compassion that emerged in mutual support during this crisis. Guided by our values, the foundation will remain generous, flexible and responsive, recognizing the uncertainty created by these difficult times''.

The donation will be divided and destined to the relief funds of some organizations such as Global giving, the largest global crowdfunding community, to support immediate and long-term aid and recovery in vulnerable communities around the world; No kid hungry, which sends emergency grants to food banks and local community groups in the United States; the Boston resiliency fund, Groundwork Lawrence, Good Shepherd food bank in Maine, the St. Louis foodbank area and a selection of over 60 beneficiaries worldwide belonging to the New Balance foundation network, which support children and families with a focus on health , nutrition, education and physical activity. Not only that: New Balance employees in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom will be able to participate in the company's corporate match program, which directs funds destined for charity.

The $2 million commitment will add to the approximately 7 million New Balance foundation donations that had already been budgeted as part of the annual 2020 donations: ''Now, more than ever, our communities need the our support. Through our foundation, we have the ability to make a difference for the most needy. By adopting a basic strategic approach, we believe we can help our local, regional and global communities significantly'' concluded Davis.