Are you ready for Matthew McConaughey in MLS?
The next year his Austin F.C. will enter the MLS
November 19th, 2020
From the next MLS season, which starts in February 2021, the Austin F.C. will become a new Western Conference club. It will be the prime entry into professional football not only of the first football team in Austin, Texas, but also the first time of Matthew McConaughey, who is one of the shareholders of the team. The protagonist of Dallas Buyers Club and Interstellar is a huge football fan, and as he explained in an interview with Hypebeast he played soccer even as a child, and the marriage with a Brazilian woman did nothing but implement his passion for the sport.
Austin F.C. is building its own stadium of ownership that will be completed in 4 months, and meanwhile, the company has already sold 44,000 tickets for next season. As McConaughey himself explains, soccer is an increasingly popular sport in the United States, and the same actor testifies to the empowerment of football in the United States by explaining:
Football is a growing sport, it's healthy in all the young people of America, they're choosing it as the sport to play more than ever. If we continue to build and adhere to the process, growth will naturally take place
The team also already has a game uniform: it will be sponsored adidas and will be black-green, and McCoanughey wants to make Austin a new city of American soccer, but also a reference point for football in the world. By the way, in the United States McConaughey isn't even football's only super fan. Also the colleague Viggo Montersen has a tattoo of the San Lorenzo, argentine club (the same cheered by Pope Francis), Tom Hanks is a declared Aston Villa fan. Samuel L. Jakcson also has a football faith: he is a big Liverpool fan.