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Will the 2021 All-Star Game jerseys be the worst ever?

The change of city may have affected the aesthetics of the event

Will the 2021 All-Star Game jerseys be the worst ever? The change of city may have affected the aesthetics of the event
Will the 2021 All-Star Game jerseys be the worst ever? The change of city may have affected the aesthetics of the event

The release of the NBA All-Star Game jerseys has always represented one of the stages in approaching the most anticipated entertainment event of the year. Unlike the other years, the 2021 edition will be very different from the others: game behind closed doors, no stars in the front row and a change of venue decided in mid-February that has destabilized an aesthetic that is always very precise. Three days after the All-Star Game - which will concentrate all the main events on Sunday 7 March - neither Nike nor Jordan have unveiled the uniforms that Team LeBron and Team Durant will wear.

For the 2020 edition, the launch of the jerseys was scheduled for January 27, almost 20 days before the event. A delay that seems strange but which in reality can be simply strategic. Even though the NBA is one of the most advanced and complete organizations in the world of sport, it has been impossible to change jerseys with so little time. The ASG was expected in Indianapolis for mid-February, but already in November the NBA announced a postponement pending understanding the conditions in the months to come. A few weeks ago, the new Atlanta office was made official, strongly desired by Chris Paul - president of the NBPA - to support HBCU (Historically black colleges and universities).

One of the reasons for the lack of publicity for the new ASG 2021 jerseys is that they are chromatically and historically linked to the Indiana Pacers, the franchise that was initially supposed to host the event (it will host it in 2024). Yellow and blue are the colors of the jerseys chosen for the All-Star Game, the same that in the 80s differentiated players such as Reggie Miller, Wayman Tisdale, Chuck Person and Steve Stipanovich from the rest of the League. Even the design seems to recall exactly those uniforms.

Even if they are real images, there is still no certainty that these will be the ones that the all stars will wear but multiple overseas sources claim that these versions will be put on the market. Their use is therefore plausible, even if they are chromatically different from the colors of the new host franchise. But never bet against the NBA.