The J.LEAGUE project that celebrates diversity through football jerseys
"20J1 - Played in Japan, Made by the World"
April 27th, 2021
The J.LEAGUE, the highest expression of Japanese football, began last February and like any league in this historical moment must deal with the consequences of the global pandemic. But if on the one hand Japanese football was one of the most affected, on the other hand the creativity of the league allowed it to relaunch itself as a global brand. Today "20J1 - Played in Japan, Made by the World" was launched, a project that celebrates diversity starting from the game kits of the 20 J.LEAGUE teams. The aesthetic culture of Japan has always influenced football, giving life to crazy kits with unique beauty. With this campaign, the league wants to establish itself as a global brand thanks to the stars coming from different countries, from Andres Iniesta to Chanathip Songkrasin, the greatest Thai player in history.
The "20J1 - Played in Japan, Made by the World" project sees the involvement of all the clubs and a shooting that enhances the glocal component of football jerseys, which starts from Bangkok and reaches Tokyo, passing through Barcelona where Iniesta is revered as a deity. But the boundaries still extend, with shots coming from Bali, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, Nairobi, Rio de Janeiro, Sydney and New York.
Il progetto "20J1 - Played in Japan, Made by the World" vede il coinvolgimento di tutti i club e uno shooting che esalta la componente glocal delle maglie da calcio, che parte da Bangkok e arriva fino a Tokyo, passando per Barcellona dove Iniesta è venerato come una divinità. Ma i confini si estendono ancora, con scatti che arrivano da Bali, Francoforte, Hong Kong, Nairobi, Rio de Janeiro, Sydney e New York.
Photos by Alexandra Cepeda (Barcelona), Thanadol Mix (Bangkok), Max Galys (Frankfurt), Ruby Law (Hong Kong), Sebastian Ramirez (New York City), Mario Farache (Rio de Janeiro), and Aleksandar Jason (Sydney) have allowed J.LEAGUE to tell its own aesthetics in the world, trying to enter the collective imagination of the fans thanks to the design of the football shirts.