Why did Barcelona play in the 2019 jersey?
This time it's not the UEFA regulations' fault, or almost
September 29th, 2021
After the problems Inter had last night in Ukraine, which we told you about here, Barcelona also had a few hiccups tonight. The blaugrana are playing against Benfica with the Senyera kit released in 2019. This time UEFA didn't ban anything, but any away club is obliged to wear the away jersey, which is why Barça to best differentiate themselves from the Portuguese opted for the old fourth kit from two years ago. An unusual choice since the Senyera kit has not been registered for this season and if Benfica used their away jersey everything would be solved. But that was not the case, even in this afternoon's Youth League match, the blaugrana wore the exact same kit. A jersey dear to the blaugrana created to celebrate its 120th anniversary and featuring four red stripes reminiscent of the colours of the Catalan flag.
An important jersey but at the same time has attracted a lot of criticism, in 2019 Kappa with a meme appeared on Twitter claimed the paternity of the pattern, already used to make the jersey of a Catalan rugby team, the Unió Esportiva Santboiana. Back in 2014, the Blaugrana team decided to pay homage to their Catalan origins on their jersey: in 2019 they tried again with the famous legend of Guifré el Pilós, considered in Spanish culture to be the founder of Catalonia. The four stripes of blood on the golden background are said to be the bloodied fingers of the nobleman who died after a battle: the four bars that later gave life to the flag of the Spanish region, the so-called Senyera. An iconic jersey, as much as it is controversial, which returns to the pitch tonight, two seasons later.