Manchester City warned a Chilean third division team for plagiarism
A logo deemed too similar to that of the English line-up

February 22nd, 2022
After securing a resounding victory in the Champions League and another in the Premier League, where Guardiola's team consolidated their supremacy at the top, Manchester City are now called upon to solve some problems coming from off the field. A few days ago, in fact, the English club owned by the holding 'City Football Club' was forced to send a warning letter to Santiago City Fc, Chilean club of the third division, for plagiarism. According to the top management of the English company, the logo of the Chilean team is too similar to that of Manchester City, highlighting a clear attempt to imitate the visual identity that belongs to the clubs of the City Football Group. The response of the most famous holding company in the world of football was not long in coming, after seeing the new logo of Santiago, the lawyers wanted to protect themselves by sending this letter: "No Chilean club is part of the City Football Group, the logo you are using cannot coexist with the registered brands owned by Manchester City and it is the right of the club to protect its position by enforcing its intellectual property rights."
A warning that did not go unnoticed in Chile, Santiago City immediately responded, clarifying: "We communicate and clarify that we are not part of the City Football Group and it is not our intention to confuse anyone, any kind of misunderstanding would be beyond our will and control." In the final part of the missive sent by the holding company, the lawyers demanded an immediate halt to sales of any items or products with the offending logo. But that's not all, Santiago City will also have to remove it from their shirts and all social accounts. Despite the apology and the prompt response, the club has still not done anything about it, a situation that will surely end up in court if the Chilean club does not comply with City Football Club's demands.