Gucci CEO Joins Amateur Soccer Club
Marco Bizzarri becomes a partner of Rubierese, club that plays in the Second Category

April 7th, 2022
It was a heartfelt decision that led Gucci CEO Marco Bizzarri to become a partner in the Rubiera town team, Rubierese, in the Reggio Emilia area, where the manager was born and raised. The team, which now plays in the Second Category, for more than twenty years, from 1970 to 1993, has seen the man who now manages one of the most important brands of Italian luxury on the field as a forward. In this way, Bizzarri has chosen to give back all that, if not in strictly career terms, he has obtained from Rubierese in emotions and life lessons.
"Soccer and sport in general is passion, beyond logic - explains Bizzarri in a statement - Rubierese has given me many happy days and many friends that have remained in time. It allowed me to concentrate on soccer and study during a period in which it would have been very easy to get lost. I have great esteem for the founding members of this new beginning, people with whom I have shared many games and who are carrying out this new project with commitment and dedicated time. Which will be dedicated to young people, to support them, which goes beyond soccer as such, and which allows them to find a safe side with respect to different choices and to stay together in a healthy way".