La Recopa, the graphic project dedicated to Real Zaragoza
We interviewed Cris and Hugo, the two founders of the project and avid fans of the Aragon team
April 28th, 2022
Nel calcio, purtroppo, ci sono nobili decadute, squadre che pur avendo una storia e un heritage molto forte, si sono "perse" sportivamente a causa di cattive gestioni che negli anni hanno influito sul rendimento della squadra. Una di queste è il Real Zaragoza, la squadra del capoluogo dell'Aragona che negli ultimi anni non è riuscita a soddisfare le grandi aspettative dei suoi calorosi tifosi. Tifosi appunto molto particolari, come Hugo e Cris che nel 2014 hanno dato vita a "La Recopa", un progetto grafico che una sera di aprile è capitato sotto i nostri occhi e non abbiamo potuto fare a meno intervistarli per farci raccontare in primis la loro passione per questi colori che sostengono fermamente fin dalla loro nascita, sin da quando si trovava nelle zone più alte della LaLiga fino ad oggi che milita in quella che è la Segunda División.
I due founder ci hanno raccontato dell'atmosfera che si respira ad ogni partita, dei tifosi che sono ancora lì sia che la squadra vinca o perda e del loro attaccamento verso questi colori, ma non solo. Essendo un progetto grafico a tutto tondo abbiamo anche chiesto che idee abbiano in mente qualora dovessero essere a loro a disegnare una maglia per la loro squadra del cuore. Ovviamente dalle loro parole abbiamo capito quanto siano già pronti e carichi a questa eventualità, riaprendo quelli che sono gli archivi storici di adidas, brand che sponsorizza il club spagnolo, ripescando quei design puliti ed eleganti che a fine anni '90 hanno reso grande il Real. Non solo maglie però, i due da diversi mesi hanno dato anche ad un merchandising alternativo, lo studio creativo infatti si occupare di creare collezioni uniche, non solamente incentrate sulla squadra di Aragona ma ultimamente si sono aperti anche ad altri club, come la collazione con equipo sul Chelsea.
What is Recopa? And how was your project born?
The Recopa is a graphic project that we created to honor Real Zaragoza: its history, its fans... The project was born in 2014, in one of the most difficult stages of the club, on the verge of disappearing. Concurring with the 20th anniversary of the 1995 Cup Winners' Cup, won at the Parc des Princes in Paris against Arsenal, we designed a tribute book to that historic European title. From this book came the project that became La Recopa, a project that today has many faces. The first is the online store, where we create products designed for Zaragoza fans. The next one are the social media, where we show our football experiences, with Real Zaragoza or travelling. And finally, the creative studio, with collaborations and commissions for brands and other clients.
What does Real Zaragoza means to you and how much are you close to these colours?
For Hugo, Real Zaragoza has been part of his life since he was a child. It is a feeling that he has inherited at home, ever since he can remember he has visited La Romareda, he has taken photos with the players on the pitch, waiting for them after the game… It is in his blood. For Cris, the most intense approach was when he met Hugo. She had always shown interest in sports in general and sometimes, as in this case, passions end up being contagious. Today we can say that on many occasions our life revolves around Real Zaragoza. It's not just a hobby anymore. Thanks to the La Recopa project, it is also a lifestyle.
According to the Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas (CIS), it is the 7th largest Spanish team in terms of number of fans. Can you walk through the experience of being in it during a game?
The Real Zaragoza fans are incredible. After almost a decade in the Second Division, and having gone through a very tough journey after the management of Agapito Iglesias and his predecessors, the fans are still there whether the team wins or loses. The atmosphere in La Romareda, without a doubt, is First Division. Living the matches at Gol de Pie, with the dedicated fans and being able to photograph that feeling is a wonderful experience. Hopefully very soon we can return to the place we think belongs to us. Fight for Europe? It's a distant dream... but hopefully.
The team has been in the second league for several years now, what more is needed to be back to its former glory?
As we mentioned, the club has been chaining bad administrative and sports management for many years. Right now the ownership has changed to one based in the United States, which also owns Inter Miami. This excites us but always with caution, there are already many years of problems. Good management is needed that has a clear sporting and social project as well as, of course, a bit of luck.
Is there a shirt that you are particularly fond of because of its design or pattern?
Anyone from the 90s, with Pikolin as a sponsor, brings back incredible memories, plus they were very clean and powerful designs at the same time because they were very easily recognizable. It is the most glorious time we have been able to experience and, of course, the 1995 Puma shirt has a special place in our hearts... the one with Nayim's goal! Another one that we really like is the one from 1986, with a polo neck, from Adidas Originals, white and with the three blue stripes on the sleeve. Just perfect. We are very minimalist and we like small details more than crazy prints.
Would you like to take part in the creative process behind the jersey design at some point? And if so, do you already have ideas in mind?
Of course! It is a dream to be able to design the jersey of the team we love. Currently, the sponsorship of Adidas always makes us fantasize about retro designs, from the Originals line. Unfortunately we believe that it is not exploited enough... As we have already mentioned, an official replica of the 1986 shirt, with which Real Zaragoza won the Copa del Rey against FC Barcelona, would be great.