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Carine Roitfeld launches "Players," the new magazine on football and fashion

The latest project of the former editor-in-chief of Vogue Paris is bound to attract a lot of attention

Carine Roitfeld launches Players, the new magazine on football and fashion The latest project of the former editor-in-chief of Vogue Paris is bound to attract a lot of attention

Carine Roitfeld, former editor-in-chief of Vogue Paris, former model, and journalist, launches Players, a new magazine that aims to explore the intersection of football and fashion. Players already has an editor-in-chief: Vladimir Roitfeld, Carine’s son, who has solid experience in the industry, being the current president of CR Fashion Book Ltd, the media company founded by his mother. The New Playbook for Sports and Fashion is the definition that Players adopts in the captions of the first posts on Instagram, and it presents itself as a vertical media exploring an ever-evolving culture, with one of the most important sporting events of the last few decades on the horizon: the World Cup to be held in the United States, Mexico, and Canada.

Players has all the credentials to become a reference point in the world of publishing and, more generally, communication, even for companies seeking an authoritative and credible partner. The launch of Players is a statement, not only because it will be led by Carine Roitfeld, a personality of great prestige – on the catwalks and in international publishing – but also because it confirms that the intersection between fashion and football can no longer be considered a passing trend: football and fashion are a huge reality, having structured an industry and become active protagonists. It’s no coincidence that the Roitfeld duo’s magazine is called Players, a name that conveys a sense of concreteness and participation: football is giving fashion an extraordinary momentum, one that even the most optimistic might not have expected.

Players also intends to explore sport from the perspective of authoritative voices in the fashion world and to delve into fashion through the opinions of authoritative voices in the sports world. “There is a gap in the market. There is no publication capable of creating stories with athletes; we don’t see fashion stories the way we would like to see them”, said Vladimir Roitfeld, who added, “Thanks to Carine’s vision, experience, and talents, and my sensitivity to both worlds, we are the perfect team to fill this gap”. Former NBA player Dwyane Wade guest-edited the first issue, which will feature about 6 covers with models, athletes, clubs, and other talents, coming out in May.