Alley oop
Do the right thing
November 19th, 2013
Are individual deeds to make the sport so special . There is something noble in all these deeds, physical or technical they are, thank to you choose to follow this or that event. Then there are the plays that you fall in love with a sport rather than another, the ones that make it unique.
Get the basketball, and think of the most crazy and dramatic gesture that those men can accomplish. Most likely you will think on the alley oop: When a player gets the ball, and you seem toward the ceiling, and another player maybe so athletic takes it from the air and throws the basket. There is nothing more exciting I think. The alley- oop has been refined over time, athletes have become semi- machines and able to leap scary. So maybe you might think that the role of the smuggler has decreased, or that it is easier now. Maybe yes, maybe even I can lift a ball for Blake Griffin or Howard, so take it anyway, but then you go and tell Chris Paul or James Harden now give it away in flight has become easier .
There are some tandem have become history in their alley- oop , understanding that I was born automatic , almost natural , hard to combat, effective and stylistically perfect. I have selected five ( not in order of preference ), including past history, present, jumpers and extraordinary real sculptors of wonders.
Almost foregone start from here , perhaps the NBA's best couple, in the meaning of the term in which one enhances and complements the other. Increasingly divided about 50 and 50 , never a bad word and an understanding is hardly ever found in any American professional sport .
2. Nash & Stoudemire
The backbone of the most beautiful and unfinished machine basketball the past 15 years overseas. The Phoenix Suns of Mike D' Antoni revolutionized the game , only to realize that in that direction, not giving in to win a title and dismantle everything , a bit like the French revolutionaries who gave all to Napoleon, good but not great for the democracy (paraphrasing ) . Nash and Stud were the brightest stars , either because Nash thinks faster than other human beings, either because Amaree in those years seemed destined to become a Hall of Fame and not the reserve of Bargnani.
3. Jason Kidd & Vince Carter
I am fond of basketball just as Jason lifted the ball to Vincanity , that dunked ( often backwards or after 360) fell to the ground and mimed a motorbike with his arms. Kidd had the key, and Carter the engine. Could not you enraptured . One of the best smugglers in recent history NBA for the most creative dunker ever on the face of the earth. They were the New Jersey Nets, other times.
4. Kobe & Shaq e Lebron & Wade
Their names would be enough to get it over with in one line. None of the two a classic pair of alley- oop why not a play and a long. But from a part the nearest reincarnation of King Michael (at least for character) so far , combined with one of the last major centers always. The other two (one in particular) that have permanently changed the distribution of roles in the field, maybe a 4 and a 2, but also a 1 and a 3, at the end of the fair are only numbers.
5. Chris Paul

Look at Chris Paul move , I don’t say play, but simply move and you'll understand . For those who love art , the classic one, is a vision. Ball handling with high head and two hands of a pianist , able to send to dunk anyone imagine DeAndre Jordan and / or Griffin . Sooner or later he will wins a ring, or maybe not, but it matters little and always will always be one of the most perfect incarnation of views caress parquet NBA point guard .