Fratelli d'Italia
New Sport Side
July 1st, 2016
The epic of our Euro Cup wants this Azzurri selection, this national team, these 23 players, to be dirty, ugly and bad. It’s a different team without the inspiration of Totti, Pirlo or Del Piero. A working team, which has been able to blind belief in a leader who is now considered, rightly, the true champion of the Azzurri, Antonio Conte.
Few thought Italy would come up to here, to Germany, to Everest, as defined by Florenzi. All who are called in, speak of this group as the best ever, 23 guys who decided to become a granite block and try the exploit. But despite their solidity, to watch them well, these 23 dirty, ugly and bad have all (or most) really interesting specificities. It is in the social media management, in their look or in the choice of boots. A list of types of Italian footballers in national team.

Family first
It will happen to all, on Facebook, to find that old friend from high school with the modified user name. It can happen that our've met a girl, fell in love and decided to share everything, even social account. It happened to Ciro Immobile, strong, very blond and very nice striker from Torre Annunziata who shares the Instagram account with the beautiful Jessica. Among selfies, close-ups and photos of beautiful daughters, what Jessica and Ciro life transmits is absolute serenity.
As well as that of his great friend Lorenzo Insigne. The player with the most frames of glasses in Italy has decided to name his acount with a more democratic Insignefamily, building a quasi identical photo gallery to Immobile, if not for his wife's name - however similar, Jessica and Jenny - and sex of the two little children, two males. The two were also protagonists of several videos made by the communication department of the Azzurri, that in the wake of their brightness and their emphasis has staged numerous sketches. To accompany them, and often as protagonist, it is another "home and family" guy as Alessandro Florenzi. Mr. "coco de nonna" is the epithet of the good guy, lucky, humble and extraordinarily at ease before the camera.
Zaza and Chiara
No getting around it, that of the social media, particularly in recent years, is more and more the world of the fashion bloggers. Among women, one of the most celebrated Italian is certainly Chiara Biasi. More than a million followers, a line of swimwear and a number of things to which it is honestly hard to keep up, Chiara is beautiful, committed and now engaged to Simone Zaza. The Juventus striker has few followers in less than his girlfriend, but few tattoos more. But how does he dresses the boyfriend of one of the most famous Italian fashion blogger? Simone has in her wardrobe so much black, many hats - perhaps because of premature baldness - for a style all things considered is quite minimal. The one with Chiara is not the only "famous" relationship of Zaza. In Juventus In fact, he and Morata have become inseparable, sharing a lot more than just a role on the team. The infinite plot wants Morata happily engaged to Alice Campello, fashion blogger and friend of Chiara Biasi, Zaza girlfriend, best friend Morata.
Nike, Adidas & Puma... but not only
Insigne is sponsored by Nike - even with the complex system set up by De Laurentis - Immobile by adidas. Zaza also chose Mercurial, while Buffon is one of the pillars of the campaign along with the Puma coach Conte (whose contract is partly paid for by their sponsors). The national team, following the Italian political scheme, is tripartite with Nike, Adidas and Puma to become the main protagonist. But there is someone who stands out, stands out among the thousands of boots brightly colored, two-color and ultralight. That someone is the highly contested number 10 Thiago Motta. Since most criticized for excessively slow, which makes it a player from another era, almost noble in some movements, Motta is the only (together with Marco Parolo) to wear the Mizuno shoes. The Japanese company, founded in the early '900, is best remembered by fans for white boots - true elite symbol at the time - worn by Rivaldo.

De Rossi: Son of Anarchy
Sons of Anarchy is perhaps one of the best TV series of all time. In the HBO series there are several characters who become attached, but basically, you can not help but be charmed by Jax Teller played by Charlie Hunnam. When I saw De Rossi to the TV microphones after the game against Belgium, the first thought went to him. The eternal Captain Future had the blue order shirt, jeans just wider and white sneakers. The full beard, a coppery blond, and very short hair only serve to expand the effect, as well as his marriage to the beautiful Sara Felberbaum, model and Anglo-American actress. Among all Azzurri players, Daniele De Rossi is the one with a more natural sense of coolness as a way to move, speak and communicate.

Who needs social media?
There's not Mario Balotelli, one with particular confidence with social media. Some of the Azzurri are defending well, like Buffon and Bonucci, who have thousands and thousands of followers, but more by reputation than for actual use skill. Among the most glamorous is there Graziano Pellè maybe for the innate elegance maybe for a love affair with the beautiful model Viky Varga won slowly the media attention. There are those who, for social media are not crazy. As Salvatore Sirigu, who the Paris adventure has not given the need to Instagram the Effeil Tour. Or Marco Parolo. Even more surprising of all, Mattia De Sciglio, born in 1992 and with no desire to share his private life on social.