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Football boots like smartphones: adidas launches the Glitch

A new revolution headed by German brand

Football boots like smartphones: adidas launches the Glitch  A new revolution headed by German brand

With its brand new football boots launch, adidas stuck perfectly with one of its latest slogan: “creators never follow”. In the last few years, the dualism with Nike moved along very precise tracks, first with the introduction of the dynamic fit collar - the sock - and then with the laceless shoes. This time, tough, adidas pulled a rabbit out of the hat launching the brand new Glitch 16, a revolutionary shoe witch will allow customers to personalize their boots in a few seconds, literally.

Adidas Glitch are composed by two parts, the inner shoe and the outer skin. The first one it’s like the internal base of the shoe and it will perfectly overlap with the foot. The other one, the outer skin, it’s some sort of cover (like for mobile phones) witch will allow adidas customers to switch  again, literally - from one skin to another. All without any particular manual skill, making adidas Glitch the most customizable football boots of all time.

Un video pubblicato da Lucasfootball3 (@lucasfootball3) in data:

Adidas will launch six different outer skins and four inner shoes, but it will release new designs and color on a weekly bases. Customers will also be able to present and suggest new designs, through the adidas Glitch app, witch will be launched soon. Look like Christmas is coming earlier this year.

With this launch, adidas has surely laid the foundations for a great success. The only doubt is about the price, especially for the outer skins. If Glitch 16 will be able to maintain a reasonable price on a large scale, everyone would love to have them. Plus, every adidas’ competitor would be forced to launch something new or steal adidas’ idea. But creators never follow, right?