Stranger Things
Best pictures from SSC Napoli's calendars
December 15th, 2016
The fact that Naples is not a “normal” city it is by now an acclaimed truth. The fact that it lives for football, for its Naples, also. With the passing of the time also the team of Capitan Hamsik, revived by the ashes of the failure and the Italian Serie C, has learned to be some "crazy" as the city. Inside the field, where from a few years it holds the scepter of the beautiful and incomplete teams of the Italian Serie A, but above all out the field. Under the De Laurentis presidency, in fact, the Azzurri society has quintupled its media exposure, from the funny presentations to eccentric uniforms. But the eccentricity of its President - who, as it loves to repeat, comes from the world of the cinema - never stopped, until reaching the conception and realization of an articulated very official calendar.
While the ones of every team Italian wheel (more or less) around football images, every year SSC Napoli surprises its own fans with real masses in the scene, with varying themes, revisable aesthetics, and an insured success.
One of this years - realized in collaboration with the archaeological Museum in Naples - is entirely inspired by something like "Great Greece", recalling the origins of the city.
But in SCC Napoli home there is always place for imagination: Neapolitan Presepe theme, cruise theme, (Neapolitan) Smorfia theme, the calendars in the Naples have never stopped surprising lifting every year the crossbar. We have picked up the most unbelievable images.