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Memories from 90s

By Stuart Roy Clarke

Memories from 90s By Stuart Roy Clarke
Memories from 90s By Stuart Roy Clarke

There are some reasons if the love for the 90s football is so strong among us. One of these is for sure Stuart Roy Clarke. Clarke is one of the most famous photographers of English football ever and during his career, started in the years '80, has told the British football from differents points of view. Been born in the summer of 1961 in the Hertfordshire, Clarke is the author of "The Homes of Football", probably the greatest collection of  football photos in the world, that after having been in tour around the world, alive on the pages of a book and on the web site.

The jobs of Clark, all rigorously shoot off in Bronica and in the medium format film, has the merit to perfectly condense the most classical and spontaneous essence of 90s football. And not only. They are real sections of history, culture and British geography, that insert it in ours imaginary of "nostalgic football.

We have picked up some of the releases of the photographic gallery "British Football 1990s", ideal to skim through during the vacations.