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adidas Football unveiled Juventus 2018/19 home kit

Giannis Antetokounmpo signed with Nike for an upcoming signature shoe

#TheProcess ready to become #LeProcess?

Bayern Monaco changes font after 10 years

Here's the report on the world's most valuable football brands

5 Gifs from the weekend E30 - Locura

Nike launched 'The world's football club' collection for Russia 2018

Record Breakers

Nike Football unveils 2018/19 PSG home kit

Take a look at Chelsea 2018/19 home kit

adidas dropped Manchester United 2018-19 third kit

Nike Football unveils AS Roma 2018/19 home kit

Real Sociedad will play with a special jersey for Xabi Prieto

New Balance presents the Otruska Pack for the World Cup

Nike's 2018 World Cup fonts

New Air Jordan 5 x Paris Saint Germain coming soon?