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Who invests more in football?

Nike or adidas?

Who invests more in football? Nike or adidas?

According to a report by KPMG Football Benchmark, Nike and adidas' total investment in the sports world is $3.079 billion. The two companies, of all sports, have invested most of all in football: adidas with 1.026 billion dollars and Nike with 834 million. For the two brands, the ball represents 73% and 50% of the total investment respectively, and in particular, for adidas, it is the relationship with the clubs that requires such an important concentration of resources. 

In fact, seeing also the ranking of sponsorship contracts - in whose podium, two-thirds are with the German brand -, adidas has a greater outlay precisely because of its relations with football clubs, among the most successful in history: Real Madrid, Bayern Munich, Juventus, Manchester United and Juventus. The Blancos are the club with the highest remuneration contract, given that adidas arrives every year 120 million euros; from the German brand, Juve get 96 million euros, while Untied 86.9 and Bayern Munich 66. Moreover, adidas' spending on football also covers sponsorship contracts with FIFA and UEFA for their competitions - including the Champions League - and, not to be underestimated, mls, the American football league - competition that has been growing for years. As for Nike, on the other hand, it can be seen from the report how the American brand has lost a lot in its relationship with football. Although Cristiano Ronaldo's icon is still very turgid, Nike has broken off relations with several top players such as Neymar, Sterling and Ibrahimovic among others, so, especially in Europe, the visibility of the brand has diminished compared to the past. The highest contract with a Nike club is with Barcelona, to which he pays 106 million euros every year, and then PSG with 75 and Chelsea with 69.5. 


As far as other sports are concerned, adidas' second investment is to american college sports, whose $106 million makes this category the German brand's second-largest investment. Nike, which still invests more than adidas (130 million) in the activities of American colleges, has its second major commitment in basket, with 352 million dollars (21%).